Girls Skate Day

Girls Skate Day
Freedom Skate Park
James Mitchell
Aaliyah Walker

A celebration that empowers and unites female skateboarders of all ages, inspiring confidence and camaraderie on and off the board.

Girls Skate Day 2022 in Jamaica was a landmark event, celebrating the spirit and skill of female skaters across the island. This memorable day brought together skaters of all levels, from seasoned veterans to enthusiastic newcomers, for an exhilarating experience of skateboarding, friendship, and fun. Set against Jamaica's stunning landscapes, the event featured music, skateboarding showcases, and a vibrant atmosphere of empowerment and community. It was a day not just about displaying skateboarding talent, but also about building connections and inspiring each other. Reflecting on this amazing event, we're reminded of the strong, inclusive community we've built and the exciting future that lies ahead for Girls Skate Jamaica.

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